
Our fruits (so far)

We must have missed a few blossoms because...WE HAVE APPLES...4! Yes, only 4 but they are so cute and perfect. These little happy surprises in our orchard made us all giddy. Our first trees to bear fruit were the Lodi, Firestorm, and Amere de Berthecourt. To make sure our apple and pear trees stay happy we are taking a lot of care to ensure that all their needs are met. Everything we do for our trees and land is 100% organic and sustainable. Here are some of the things we have done to help:


The birdhouses attract local bird species (barn swallows, tree swallows, blue birds) that will eat the bugs and larvae that can cause harm to the trees. We have only seen a few bugs and minimal damage on any leaves or bark since we put a birdhouse at the end of each orchard row.

Deer fence

The deer fence around the orchard keeps out… you guessed it, Deer :) Who loves to eat the soft and tender new growth off the trees. The fence will also help keep out other small animals who will eat the bark off of the trees during the winter when there isn't much around to eat.


Each row now has a thick layer of organic compost to give the trees vital nutrients, heavyweight organic paper to help suppress weeds and retain moisture, and all topped off by wood chips from a local saw mill to further help with weed suppression and keep the rows clean. In the first years, we want the trees not to have to fight other invasive species for space, so that they can concentrate on growing big and strong.

Soil feeding

Between the rows, we planted vetch, red clover, and alfalfa. These plants feed the soil necessary nitrogen to help the trees grow and create chlorophyll. Without nitrogen, the plant cannot grow taller or produce enough food for itself.

These are just a few of the components of our small orchard that helps maintain the greater ecosystem of our entire property.